Fujifilm do London to Brighton – 18th June 2017
It was a bit strange driving to the Bedford site at 5am on a Sunday morning, but here we were on the hottest day of the year ready to take on the famous London to Brighton Bike Ride.
We met up with Kevin, one of our Medical Div Logistics service providers who had very kindly offered himself and a van to transport the bikes out and back.
Nervous chatter filled the minibus (kindly driven by Gillian Marshall-Davies with mini support crew of Rees and Alex) aswe made our way to Clapham Common, a few calmer souls even managed to sleep en route!
We knew we were near when we started seeing bikes, and more bikes, and soon we were surrounded.
The team managed to all gather close to the start for a quick photo before we were off.

The first ten miles passed relatively quickly, lots of congestion and some traffic we needed to weave in and out of but then you’d expect that, there were 14000 cyclists on the road! Soon the traffic and noise diminished and we were zooming down leafy lanes past beautiful houses and enjoying the sunshine.
Aid stations came thick and fast through the whole route, free cakes, biscuits and drinks – I think this is the only event ivedone where you are in danger of putting on a few pounds as you go along!
Our team inevitably split a bit, a combination of crowded conditions, hills and mixed abilities meant we were now in four small groups. Andy C’s bike developed a mechanical problem causing him and his group to have to stop for a while but it was soon sorted by the brilliant roadside mechanics.
We passed so many different types of cyclist, from the most amazing high spec bikes that probably cost more than my car, to penny farthings, single speed bikes, a BMX and tandems, the British public were out in glorious force, forget lycra, why not dress as Fred Flintstone, a shark, Super Mario or a ballerina!
The hills were brutal, trying to get up them whilst staying on your bike in in a crowd was no mean feat, the crunch of gear changes and the sound of riders clipping on and off their pedals as we ground our way to the top of yet another hill filled the air. Then came the reward soon after, whooshing downhills that went on for ages providing blessed relief to our tired legs and a cooling breeze on what was the hottest day of the year so far.
We all knew the most difficult part of the ride would be the 861ft ascent up to Ditchling Beacon, so we hatched a plan to get to the top and all meet there.
Not being an accomplished cyclist id already decided I was going to walk up – my word it was hard even walking! As I reached the top I again was rewarded by the most stunning views. Soon a few of us had gathered and chatted about our experiences so far. We knew there were only 6 miles left to do and they were all pretty much downhill, we were feeling good. We cheered our team members as one by one they appeared on the top of Ditchling, we all knew how tough it had been, time for another quick picture, right at the top.

A nice rest and plenty of water and we were off, staying all together this time as we wanted to cross the finish line together. A lot of downhills and we were soon in town heading towards the sea, and the finish line was in sight! We managed to line up and all cross together (looking forward to that photo when I can find it!) Medals were awarded, beer was drunk and fish and chips were consumed.

A great day’s work and a fantastic team who really worked hard to cycle all 54 miles in the blazing sunshine.
Great big thanks go to Kevin our van driver who gave up his Sunday to help us and provided transport, and to Gillian Marshall Davies who safely transported us and provided help and encouragement.
And finally, if you don’t already know – we are raising funds for the British Heart Foundation, any sum is most welcome £1 or £10 we would be very thankful to receive.
Here’s the link
Thank you!
Now time for a short rest and then to plan our next escapade…who’s in??!!