Sunday, 15 November 2020

Lam Dong

I’ve stayed in non touristy places in different countries before. This however is a fairly new kind of experience. Firstly I’ve got sole responsibility of a dog, that’s a first. Lucky as I am Toby the bichon frisée is as calm as you like, never begs, sleeps all night and is generally more easy going than most humans. 
Secondly - I am super remote, literally haven’t seen any other westerners apart from the owners since I arrived. 
Aiden took me to the bigger town before they left  Ed for their holidays. Da Lat is about 11km away - there is a supermarket there and a large night market so I picked up a few things.
Now a week later Im getting low on food so ventured out into the nearest village. There’s no ‘supermarket’ as such, just a series of small wooden or corrugated buildings selling locally grown produce, baby milk, crisps and snacks and pop. Very few other groceries. So usually it’s all veggies which I enjoy, some I’ve never seen before but usually carrots broccoli cabbage lots of leaves, I can’t find mushrooms or lemons and apples are super expensive. You can however get a big bagful of seasonal stuff for about £2! 
If I want more choice I have to venture into Da Lat but I’m not overly bothered. It’s nice living so simply - and quite a rest too. 
The house I’m staying in is huge, five bedrooms, tiled everywhere, very big doors and tall cowlings, but again simple not palatial. No curtains, not hot water apart from one small electric shower in a bathroom in the kitchen (?) 
In the kitchen there’s no oven but there is a two burner gas job (large gas bottle underneath)  a sink with a cold tap and a kettle, microwave and fridge freezer.

I’m living quite comfortably with such basic amenities and it makes me realise just show much extra ‘stuff’ we have in the west. 
One thing I would swap is the matress it’s as hard as rock! I’ve come across this before in Asia, i wonder what they would think of our mattresses! My body is slowly getting used to it. 

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